Our newest book, “The Night the Angels Took Flight”, has truly warmed our hearts! We are so excited to bring it to you just in time for the Holidays. We hope it blesses you and your family this Holiday season!
The Night the Angels Took Flight

A New Holiday Classic to warm your heart! The Night the Angels Took Flight is the perfect addition to your Holiday Book collection. Ammie knows how precious the time is with your little ones as she is a mom herself. Holiday traditions build such lasting memories and this sweet book will become a cherished tradition for your family as well. Snuggle up for some cuddle time with this sweet story of hope. May it bring you and your family beautiful memories this Holiday season!
Click here to purchase your very own copy and add this sweet Holiday Classic to your cherished family tradition.
Miracles of Childlike Faith
At the age of 24 when life should have just been beginning, a young lady finds herself in a whirlwind health diagnosis determined to take her life. Wondering how in the blink of an eye life can suddenly take a turn for the worse, she faced things that most cannot imagine enduring. As she stared death in the face, she refused to give up. She had hope in her heart that there was a plan for her and believed wholeheartedly that the world had no say in when her last breath would be. She learned when the ground crumbled under her feet that there is one thing that can change everything … the gift of childlike faith. Based on a true story that will forever touch your heart filling it with hope, faith, and thankfulness for what you do have in life instead of what you feel you don’t have. No matter what your belief, this is an eye-opening story that will make you cry, make you laugh and give you a new perspective about life.
Message of the Day
Since the time of Ammie’s miracles, messages began to pour into her heart to share with others … Messages of hope, inspiration, and encouragement. She began sharing these messages with the people on her email list. Soon, she began receiving requests to see them in book format. She has now compiled her first book of some of these messages in hopes of encouraging and inspiring people around the world. Her life continues to be a living example of the impossible becoming possible. Her writings inspire true hope and faith within the hearts of her readers no matter where they are on their spiritual walk.
The Girl that Swallowed the Lightning Bug
Abby is a little girl whose heart is different than others in the world. She didn’t discover just how different until she swallowed a lightning bug! At first, she didn’t want anyone to know but then something happened. She found herself having to make a very important decision. At the risk of being made fun of by the other kids, would she reveal the secret of the lightning bug or would she keep it to herself?
Chipper and the Special Wings
Mama Black Bird was excited for her new arrivals to be hatching any day. They were all special in their own way but there was one she knew was going to be different than the others. His specialness was more than just how he looked. The world tried to scare him and change who he was but then fate stepped in. Something very special happened to ensure the land would be filled with the beautiful music of who this different little black bird was born to be.
Tommy and the Special Monsters
Tommy has everything a little boy could want but is still unhappy. He has a sidekick monster named Nat, who Tommy feeds well. Tommy’s mom knows that if he quit feeding Nat, he would be a lot happier. Everyone who knows Tommy knows Nat because they are always together. Nadia is with them too but no one has even noticed her, not even Tommy! She is very different than Nat and getting really hungry because the special food she eats is new to Tommy. Nat says Tommy will never feed her, but she has hope knowing it’s the answer to Tommy’s true happiness.